The end is just a new beginning

I am someone who hates change. I get comfortable in a situation and with people and then things change. This year has been a tremendous year for change:

-  I have successfully completed my Student Teaching & undergrad work at PSU
- I have lost some people who I considered my best friends
- I have gained 30 friends who lived on my floor, and will be in my life forever
- I have realized that I do not need someone else to make me feel happy, that is up to me

       As I reflect back on this year I look at all of the times when changes did occur, and I realize that there were reasons why these things happened. I was supposed to spend this last semester student teaching in Pittsburgh, but instead I ended up staying in Centre county and getting to spend my last semester at PSU. At times when we feel frustrated or let down, it is important to think that there is a lesson to be learned. As a teacher, this is easier said than done for me. I have learned a tremendous amount about myself through all of my experiences here at Penn State. 

     To say that my four years here have been anything but wonderful would be a lie. This does not mean that they were not enjoyable. I have had wonderful roommates, and awful ones. I have eaten way too many items from the Big Onion. I cried when JoePa won his 400th game, when he was unfairly fired, and when he passed away. I have walked probably a million miles to my classes each day. I sat in disbelief when the Sandusky case broke, and broke my heart. I became proud of the city of Pittsburgh, a place that I have learned to call home. I watched carefully when Osama Bin Laden was captured. I have seen people accomplish great things, and people crumble under the pressure. Before I arrived, I had always heard the statement "I Bleed Blue & White." But I never quite understood what that meant. But most importantly, I have learned to have pride in where I have come from and where I am going. I am Penn State.
      Tomorrow morning I will walk along with the other graduates of the College of Education to receive my coveted diploma. However, this is not the end for me. I will be attending Graduate School here to receive m Master's in Special Education. But more than anything I will always, always be a proud Penn Stater.
