
I have stumbled upon this quote quite often and just cannot emphasize how much I believe it rings true.

The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything, they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.

So much of life lies in our attitude. Very rarely are things "Perfect" nor are they ever going to be. But if we spend our time thinking that way things aren't going to seem very attainable. Of course there are going to be many things that we may be upset with or do not want to do throughout our lifetime, but is it really going to kill you to suck it up and be positive? Being happy is a state of mind. If you want to be happy, set your mind on being so and it will happen! Instead of focusing on the promotion you just missed, or the t-shrit you didn't buy at the store, think about all the treasures you do have. You have a family who loves and supports you. A roof over your head. Food on your table. And friends to share laughter, tears, and joy with. Really what else could you ask for!?

I believe there is a reason for everything. There are reasons why certain people come into our lives at certain times, and for this I am grateful. I have spent the last year with varying attitudes about getting into a relationship. Throughout that time I have met people who helped me figure out who I really am. Taking this time to find myself has made me better for when I find someone that I really want to be with. Well folks, I have found someone :) I am not going to make it into a big deal, but he is a really great guy and I am super happy. He is always supportive and caring, and I am already very grateful for him.

When I stop and think about all of the things that have happened to me and come along in my life, so much of who I am today has come from how I handled those situations. Life is what YOU make of it!
So the next time something comes your way that is not "ideal" remember that it is all about the tude dude!
