Second Week of School!

After the rough start to my new job, I decided I wanted to make some positive changes. Over the weekend, I developed a set of rules, met with the Principal and Vice-Principal, and developed a behavior chart. Come Monday, I was going to be totally ready to rock and roll. I wanted to make small changes over time, but it was rather obvious that was not going to happen. So during the Superbowl, I spent most of my time laminating! My dream come true!
 Monday came and I was nervous to present my new plan to my students. It was rather elementary-esque and I thought they would think so. At first they did, but over the course of the week, the students have really strived to move their pins up the scale. 

 I instituted rules about doing work while in class. Most of the students have been very respectful of the rules and have been working very hard. As a reward for reaching the star student through positive behavior, I wanted to offer M&Ms to students who reach it. I had a jar of the individual bags of candies on my desk. I left my room for about 3 seconds only to come back to three giggling boys. One can never guess what they are up to so I ignored it. Later in the day, I heard them bragging in the hallway about how they "stole" candy from Miss Johnson, and she would never know. Well unfortunately for them I have super-hearing powers and heard that. They spent a nice 2 hours in the Principals office having a discussion about respect. The good that came out of this: 1. the students realize I am serious about inappropriate behavior. 2. the one student wrote that he hopes that I continue to teach, because I am a great teacher and he wanted to improve his behavior. The bad: 1. the other students wrote: "I will probably steal from you again, so don't be mad." 2. The Vice-Principal who delt with the issue thought that was FUNNY. Yes, he told me how that was just so cute and a reflection of his personality! What a joke! To think that it is acceptable to steal! I can tell I have lots of work ahead of me.

As the week comes to a close, I have begun to see growth in some of my students. My one student who hates coming to school and has low-self esteem has begun to like school and spends lots of time in my room. Yesterday she got a 106% on her Math quiz! (I believe in offering 1 bonus question!) I have never seen her so proud! It is the little victories that make a difference. I know I am making small differences in my classroom and I cannot wait to see where the rest of the year takes me. :) 

 Just a few new pics from the room!
