Life Is Good!

I am back! With a whole new blog layout and update! Hooray!! I have been really bad about blogging recently. I got a new job, as an Elementary Education Special Education Teacher at my local elementary school and have been working my tail off :) I absolutely love what I do and who I work with daily. I cannot say it has been easy, but the kids make my job worth it. This beautiful framed photo and clip art summarize what I've been up to:

"You can do anything, but not everything". I have to tell myself on a daily basis that this is true. "Teachers who love teaching teach children to love learning" is a beautiful piece my little Kathy made for me :) One of my students once read it and told me "Miss Johnson there is no way you are going to get me to love learning. It is not that you are a bad teacher, I am just never going to like learning!!" hehe Hopefully I can change that one day!

I absolutely adore being a "helper teacher". In the mornings I work with a severely autistic sixth grader and in the afternoons I work in two inclusive fifth grade rooms. :) Couldn't have asked for a better placement! Below are the Red Ribbon week doors my fifth graders and I designed :)

I also have started tutoring students who scored below basic or basic on the PSSA tests. Hence all these wonderful materials.
To get to know the kiddos, I had them complete an "All About Me" page. Here is what one student wrote:
Did you get it? His favorite vacation spot is the Poconos! :) In September, my best friend in the entire world got engaged! I am so happy for Kayli & Nick! I was lucky to be able to go dress shopping with her, and while there I was asked......
to be the maid of honor! Of course I said "yes"! Below is the gang that went dress shopping. We found the one and Kay is going to be the most beautiful bride ever!

Now the holidays are upon us. Dustin & I spent Thanksgiving between his parents' house and my grandparents. This adorable nugget Arielle is Dustin's cousin's babe. She is 4 months old and such a joy! I just love baby snuggles!

As you can tell, trees are up at all 3 houses and we even built a faux fireplace at Dustin's apartment :)
I am hoping to be a little better about blogging down the line. For now, enjoy the update and new recipes. Thanks for stopping by and Happy Holidays!


  1. Happy to see you blogging again! You have such a fulfilling and beautiful life, Laur. So happy for you!


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