We Are.... Expecting!

Our Pregnancy Story
This adorable frame is from our lovely friends the Quigleys <3

Dustin & I have always wanted to be parents. We had hoped, prayed, and tossed quite a few lucky coins into various fountains all over Europe in hopes of bringing a baby into our lives in the near future. Towards the end of our trip, I had begun to be crazy out of breath while on simple walks, and just had this little inkling. On our last evening in Europe, we decided to snag a pregnancy test (It was about 23847236 Euros so not suggesting anyone ever do that haha). We wanted to take it together (even though I had dreamed up the hundreds of cute ways I could surprise Dustin). So we gave it a shot, and could not believe our eyes! We were pregnant!!

It was an absolutely surreal moment for sure! You may be able to see that I was "glowing" in that photo. The exhaustion set in quickly, and was not aided by the massive jet lag we had coming home. While we were in Europe, my beloved Papa James Brown passed away. I think he really just wanted to go on our trip. We took the test on August 7th, which was Nana's birthday. It made me feel like there is a connection greater than we can explain. I know this baby has already met nana and papa, as well as the many other of our family and friends in heaven on their way down.

I have wanted to be a mom, heck I have had the nickname mom, for my entire life. The thought that a little nugget was growing inside of me and was half Dustin and half me was so scary! But so so exciting! I realized quickly I had not done as much research as I would have thought on all things baby. But we took things one day at a time! At 8 weeks we were able to get in to see the doctors and they confirmed our test - We were expecting! Dustin was delighted that it was just one baby and not two hehe. Although we would be grateful for any gift!

Proud Daddy (to-be)

Baby's first pic!

 Is this real life!?!

I can't believe I am going to be a for real Mom!

Next, we had to figure out how we were going to slowly start telling our families & friends. Of course we started with our families, but living 3 hours away made it tricky to get everyone together. We told my parents by giving my dad a coin that has a mustache on it and says "Only the best fathers get promoted to grandfathers". Mom got a book titled "Always" which was about an elephant baby who is loved by his parents and family. Inside the front cover I wrote "Dear Grandma, please practice reading this book so that you can read it to me in April. Love, Baby Cozad -PS You need to pick out your new name!" She was so surprised she had to read it a few times before she understood. In case you didn't know both of our families have been a bit obsessive over when a baby would be coming. There were quite a few tears of happiness shed and we finally could breathe a sigh of relief - I am a terrible secret keeper so this was hard!

The new grandparents-to-be

When we told Dustin's parents, we decided to do something a little different. We made a frame for them and gave it to them when we saw them. The first thing Lisa screamed out was I KNEW IT! Which I think she was slightly fibbing about hehe. But in all honesty our cover was almost blown when over dinner she asked if anyone had any news to announce - she looked right and me and I was so confused because we were planning on sharing our news afterwards. It ended up that Donny got a new job - which was big news! But it really threw me off! :)

Next, we needed to tell our siblings that they were going to be promoted! Everyone was so excited and supportive. They are going to be great aunts and uncles - hopefully they have been practicing diapering! :) We also made a little picture to share with friends we weren't able to tell in person. We are so crazy excited for this journey and can't wait to share it along the way.

Brian's promotion frame

Kelly's promotion frame

Uncle Nick

Our little pumpkin! Shared with friends

Our dearest baby (who we affectionately refer to as chocolate chip), we cannot wait to meet you! Mommy and Daddy talk to you, sing to you, and love on you every single day.
