Super Second Trimester

The second trimester is supposed to be the best part of your pregnancy. For me (so far) that rings pretty true! The tentative timeline for the 2nd trimester is weeks 13-27ish. Various sites have different ranges from 13-28. As I type this I am 2 days into my 26th week and with classes starting back up Monday I am dreading the third trimester coupled with a busy spring semester. But I do know that each day brings us closer to meeting our little man! That makes me want to cry tears of joy and anxiety at the same time. Hard to believe so much time has already passed. We are in the double digits as far as time left. Nursery is coming along, registry completed, shower invites sent (for 1 shower at least) and tentative plans are being made. We started looking at childcare facilities for the Fall and whew, that is overwhelming!

Overall, this has been the busiest trimester for us, but for good reason. I am still mobile (minus when my heartburn is out of control), can bend, walk for extended periods, and enjoy getting out. My belly seems to get bigger each day, and after I eat it swells to twice its regular size. Sometimes I question if we are having twins, but just one babe in there! I was finally able to feel him move inside of my belly - what an amazing feeling! Even better is having others (especially Daddy) put their hands on my belly and feeling him move. He is most active in the early mornings, evenings, and when I sit for extended periods of time. I think we are in for it when he arrives with the need for movement :)

As time progresses, we have become masters of checklists, plans, and anything else that I can document in attempt to keep myself sain. I know we have been so lucky thus far to have maintained a healthy pregnancy. I am so grateful for the little nugget growing in my belly. Other things completed this trimester:
-Flu Shot
-We decided against any genetic testing
-Anatomy Ultrasound (so cool to see our little dude!)
-Switching to maternity clothes only

As far as symptoms, feelings, and experiences, here is what has been going on during the 2nd trimester:

1. Thirsty: All. The. Time. I could drink a glass of water in 2 minutes flat (if you know me that is pretty unusual - not a big fan of water or drinking quickly). I am sure it is a good sign that I am so thirsty, well I tell myself that. More liquids obviously leads to more tripe to the bathroom. I have found all of the large, accessible stalls across campus for my walks and classes. They make bathrooms pretty skinny these days! haha

2. Skin Issues: I know I already discussed this in my 1st trimester post, but I really thought it would get better. Nope. Still working on figuring that out. Also, not a girl stealing my beauty so that is a total myth.

3. Back Pains: I am thinking they will get worse, so I don't want to jinx myself. My lower back seems to be pretty sore these days, thankfully I have an awesome hubby and mom who don't mind helping out with some massages. I am seeing a prenatal massage in my future :)

4. Intestinal Issues: (may be TMI but it should be mentioned!)  At my 2nd doctors appointment, they prescribed Iron pills for me (no issues with blood or anything). These pills caused me to have awful digestive issues. I was so uncomfortable and had to add all kinds of other pills to help myself become regular and feel any sort of comfort. Thank you babe, I now have hemorrhoids (pretty common during pregnancy). I eventually went off of the iron pill because my blood had no issues. Wish I would have asked about this issue earlier!

5. Hungry: Hangry: This is probably the most typical symptom of pregnancy. I am to the point where I am pretty much snacking on things all day long. I have attempted to make some of my snack/meal choices healthy. But let's be honest, who craves kale chips? I am growing a human! I need nutella (and christmas cookies, and peanut butter pretzels, and pizzelles, and bread). Also, if I am being honest it becomes more of hangry (hungry + angry) when I don't eat enough or quickly enough. Sorry anyone I have offended in the meantime.

6. Heartburn: These last 2 seem to be the wammies during this trimester. Did you know you can get heartburn/indigestion from Cheerios? Well newsflash- ya can. Doesn't seem to matter what I eat or when, persistent heartburn has become part of my normal routine. Spicy foods make it worse usually, and eating too late doesn't help. But honestly there is no winning. Tums are my BFF. Also the wives tale that heartburn makes a hairy baby is starting to freak me out. Considering Dustin's hairiness and my heartburn, we may give birth to an actual gorilla. Eeick.

7. Sleeping Discomfort: I thought this was not supposed to happen until later in pregnancy. Nope. First we tried buying a pregnancy pillow. Dustin named her Elixir and she took up the entire bed. Provided some comfort but Dustin couldn't reach me from across the bed haha. I ended up with a Boppy Wedge for my belly and a soft pillow between my legs. I think the adjustment has been sleeping only on my sides (which I formerly did anyways). It just seems more uncomfortable while pregnant. Occasionally I wake up lying on my back and panic that blood can't flow to my legs, but so far so good. The biggest issue seems to be getting myself up out of bed multiple times a night. I am sure this will become more of a challenge, and I think we need to invest in a step stool eventually.

The giant pillow that took over the bed!

8. Joy: As much as this list seems like a bunch of complaints, I want to emphasize how incredibly happy and blessed I feel each and every morning to wake up with this little bug in my belly. What an incredible gift from God to carry a baby. I cannot wait to bring him into this world. I know he will be so smothered with love.

My attempts at blogging and documentation seem on the ball with this pregnancy. Mostly because I know it will probably never happen again with future pregnancies and babies. I have the best intentions of sharing this journey with anyone who cares enough to read it to hope the find some humor, love, and that it brings some cherished memories to others. Currently, only 96 days, 8 hours, and 42 minutes until our hypothetical due date. YIKES!
