Pre-Baby Prep!

I am a big time planner. One thing I have partially struggled with throughout my pregnancy was the lack of planning and control I would have over things. As we enter the final countdown (T-22 days until our DUE DATE!) We have been trying to wrap a few things up to help us be prepared as possible. I know many of you are probably chuckling at the idea of being "prepared" for a baby. I am pretty aware that nothing is going to go the way we plan it (the birth plan, the eating, the schedules, the organization) but that isn't stopping me from being as prepared as I can be. This is our first, so I am sure by the time 2, 3, 4, etc. :) come along this list will maybe get glanced over and nothing completed. But I know for many Mamas this final countdown is the most stressful part: because the baby is ACTUALLY going to be here soon!

Here are some of the things we have done recently to help us get ready:

Baby Prep
1. File Folder Organization

A friend had this given to her at her shower and I knew my OCD personality would one day need one. Here is the link to the original post. I used the following labels:

  • ID Documentation
  • Keepsakes
  • Milestones
  • Pediatrician Visits
  • Immunization Records
  • Other Health Records
  • Insurance Paperwork
  • Nursing/Feeding Info
  • Parenting Articles/Pamphlets
  • Receipts/Warranties
  • Manuals
  • Miscellaneous

  • 2. Selected a Pediatrician 
    -We have 2 local offices, and one had a 'Meet the Pediatrician' night. This was really helpful for us.

    3. Install & Inspect Car seats (in which we forgot the actual seat bwah ha ha)
    -We installed our Graco car seat bases over these Brica seat protectors. We tested out quite a few and these ones worked best with the bases.

    Mama Prep
    1. Post-natal care
    -I am really not sure what to expect as far as this one goes, but I have heard it is relative brutal after any birth! Following some recommendations, I made these Padsicles using pads, witch hazel, aloe vera, and lavender. I ordered these ice packs, and this Earth Mama bottom spray.

    2. Hospital Bag
    -There are a million check lists online. I will update what I actually used after my trip :)

    3. Birth Plan
    -We used the following simple plan to help us attempt to figure out what we wanted during childbirth. There are much more complicated ones. I think what you should consider are the elements that are most important to you and talk with your partner/OB about options.

    4. Order/Assemble Breast Pump and clean bottles/parts
    -Luckily my insurance allowed me to order my pump ahead of time. We stocked up on pump supplies and cleaned/organized them so we would be prepared. We also washed all of our bottles and organized them into this cool 3 drawer unit.

    5. Me time
    -This is something I am pretty bad at. There is this space between wanting to get ahead academically and have every single thing prepared, and to lay on the couch and watch 15 episodes of Breaking Bad because I can. I did get a pedicure at 36w+5days and if I make it to my due date I am getting another one. Because I can. Trying to enjoy the little things with Dustin like going out to eat and spending time with friends.

    Family Prep
    1. Freezer Meals
    -I made 10 meals to help us be prepared. Of course much of this depends on your freezer space!

  • Tuscan Chicken Pasta (makes 2 9x9 pans)
  • Chicken Pesto Alfredo (mades 2 9x9 pans)
  • Broccoli, Chicken, & Rice Casserole (original recipe makes 4, I halved and made 2 bags)
  • Tacos (made 1 batch)
  • Sloppy Joes (made 1 batch)
  • Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins (makes 12 muffins)
  • Frozen Banana PB Bites (used 3 bananas, made 12 bites)
  • Monster Cookies (Made 6 dozen! We love these-see recipe below!)
  • Pot Roast (put a roast with seasonings & broth into a freezer bag)

  • 2. Set up gear & test it (including stroller, swing, pack & play, bassinet) 
    -We realized we needed some batteries and other accessories for some things to work. We are hoping it will make it easier when we get home that we know how to turn things on/off - some are more difficult than you would think! haha

    3. Finish nursery
    -We deep cleaned and set up the nursery. I just adore how it turned out. Blog about that coming soon!

    4. Stock up on diapers/wipes
    -Be sure you have plenty of diapers and wipes. We made bins of diapers/wipes for the: nursery, master bedroom (where baby will be sleeping for awhile), and living room where we will probably spend a lot of time).

    5. Organize Baby stuff!
    -We cleaned and organized kitchen/feeding materials, washed all blankets, sheets, covers, and 0-3 month clothes. We are currently using Dreft because I love how it smells (used combo of detergent and those scent pearls). But after we run out of that I will probably switch him over to the Free & Clear detergent and softner we use.

    6. Stock up on Home Goods
    -We got extra toothpaste, toilet paper, face wash, etc. Maybe the apocalypse is coming? Maybe I just don't ever plan on leaving the house again? Who knows!? But we are ready!

    7. Deep clean whatever you can!
    -I have seen many a blog posts about hiring someone to clean your house. Must be nice. A maid is not in the budget currently, so we cleaned the house from top to bottom. We washed all rugs & carpets, cleaned the mattress, rotated the mattress, dusted, vacuumed, cleaned the windows, got a new shower curtain, you name it we probably cleaned it. I should admit I probably overdid it a few days/activities, but I feel infinitely better knowing we are bringing him home to a clean place!

    What things did you do to prepare for baby? What did you wish you would have done? We (possibly) still have a few weeks so if we are missing something let me know!
