
Fear (def) An unplesant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

I have never been one to dwell on fear. However, things have changed in my life and fear is something I must look in the face and deal with.

As I have begun my work in Special Ed for my Master's I have started research and class work on Autism. As I am watching videos and researching, I am becoming increasingly fearful that there is only so much I am going to be able to do for my students. Watching these wonderful people being treated poorly or knowing how frustrating it is for them to communicate scares me. I only want the best for my kiddos and would do anything to be able to provide for them. I know that once they leave my classroom they will continue to receive services and support but I want them to be accepted in the world. In the ideal world, I want people to understand and accept people with disabilities and diversity. I dream that one day my students will be treated as equals and have a valuable role in the community. Small changes will get us there. For example, I hear people throw around the R-Word often. There is an ongoing campaign to stop the use of this word from our daily vocabulary (check it out - http://www.r-word.org/ . These small ways of making others aware of their language make a difference in the world!

Although I am so scared for my students, I know that my care will help them. Seeing individuals accomplish successes in life makes me so proud and happy to know that Special Education has the potential to change lives.

I am also fearful of my return to campus this fall. Never have I been apprehensive about this in the past. Things are definitely different and there is no denial in that. I have kept many of my thoughts to myself over the recent incidents involving Sandusky, Paterno & Penn State.  I know that the media is a nasty thing that has turned my university into something negative. However, I know that is not the case. I am SO proud to call myself a Penn Stater and I always will be. The actions of a few people do not define who we are. I am scared to take on a new floor of 30 freshmen who I will be leaving in December. Keeping in mind my track record as an RA, I really love my kids! How can I leave them!? Hopefully the 4 months I do have with them will help make their freshmen year one to remember.

Amongst all of the fear, I have hope. Hope that Penn State will see a brighter day. Hope that my future students will be accepted and loved. Hope that I can make a difference, no matter how small, in the world. And it is this hope that I cling onto which keeps me going.


  1. The thing I love is that despite the many things that you fear, you hold your head high and push forward. Keep being great, Laur.

    1. Thanks a TON Libby! :) I absolutely adore reading all about Vincent and your family. Miss you :)


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