Keeping Organized

I typically pride myself on being organized. It is something that comes naturally (and obsessively) to me. So after keeping receipts, bank statements, driving license test certificates, and other random things in a drawer, I decided to attack them and organize them further. Before doing so, I did a little bit of research about things we should keep (in terms of finances) and for how long. Here are my conclusions:

Keep for 3 years:
-Retail Receipts
-Charitable Donation documentation

Keep for 6 years:
-Filed Tax Returns
-Payroll records

(All taken from here!)

So I headed to Target and found these gems in the dollar section! Bought two. 
One for receipts,
 and one for Payroll and other Important Documents. 

Here is to starting 2013 organized! :) Simple, easy, and cost-effective!
