Touchdowns or Tutus?

He or She? What will it be? Today we officially hit 20 weeks! Whoaaa we're half-way there - Crazy to believe this pregnancy is about half way over! I feel like I am getting pretty big and have a lot left to go :) This weekend we were so lucky to get to unveil our future little one's gender at a Touchdowns vs. Tutus football themed party in Pittsburgh with some of our family and friends. Extra special thanks to the party planners and helpers Kathie, Kelly, & Lisa. We are pretty darn lucky to be surrounded by so many wonderful people!

On Wednesday, November 16 we had our anatomy ultrasound in which we got to see our adorable little baby! They took some measurements and determined they have a large head and smaller limbs (not anything abnormal) but go figure they are probably going to be short like me :) The baby was quite mobile and did not want to cooperate with the tech to get some cute side profile shots, but they gave her a clear picture of their anatomy to determine gender! So I guess that was the best case scenario.

Here are a few shots of the party. We did not take nearly enough photos with other humans in them, whoops. Goal for the baby shower! We cannot wait to meet our little nugget in April!! <3

Football cake from Wegmans

Beautiful cookies by Alex with Kinetic Cookie Creations!

Beautiful cookies by Alex with Kinetic Cookie Creations!

He or She bars

Chocolate covered pretzels Lisa made!

Chocolate covered pretzels Lisa made!

Thanks Alex for making our adorable Wives Tale poster! & the bows & mustache pins everyone wore with their guesses

Guesses looking pretty even so far!

Time to cut the cake!

Strawberry filling but BLUE FROSTING - It's a BOY!

Video :)

Baby boy onesie for the new dad!

We cannot wait to welcome our sweet little boy to this loving, wonderful family <3 You are SO loved already.
