The (taunting) Third Trimester

The third trimester has been one of the quickest, toughest, and most wonderful (weeks 27-40). Now that we are so close to the end there are so many emotions attached to this pregnancy. I cannot believe we have been pregnant for almost 40 weeks/10 months. That is a long time! In some ways, I feel like I have wished it away in order to get to meet our little guy. On the flip side there have been times I felt like time is creeping by and we would never make it to the end. Between our babymoon, 3 wonderful showers, and everything in-between this trimester felt pretty busy! We have been pretty busy getting everything ready for his arrival and are finally slowing down and attempting to enjoy the end before the beginning of the biggest journey of our lives: parenthood.

Crazy to imagine that at 38+4 I am considered full term and could deliver at any point now! My doctors appointments have shifted to weekly, and now we patiently await his arrival! Technically only 11 days until D.Day. We are over the moon excited to get to finally meet our little guy, and can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Now if I could just predict when he is arriving and how my labor would go I would be set!

Some of the things I have been experiencing this trimester:

1. Heartburn: This seems to be my biggest issue throughout my entire pregnancy. It got worse during my third trimester for sure, which is what most articles would support. Seems like the usual (and some of my favorite foods) were culprits: garlic, tomatoes, cheese, anything heavy. Vanilla ice cream before bed helped and still munching on tums probably more than I should. I also had to sleep propped up for a few weeks in the middle. The heartburn subsided weeks 36-37 but is back in full force at 38. Hoping it doesn't stick around after little man arrives!

2. Sleeping Problems: Still using my boppy wedge and a pillow between my legs, I just can't seem to get comfortable. My mind is racing often (surprise surprise) and I have been waking up pretty early most mornings. I guess this is my body's way of preparing for the lack of sleep I will be getting with an infant at home. I appreciate all of the advice about 'sleep as much as possible before he arrives!' However I have no idea how you are supposed to accomplish that when sleep does not come easy.

3. Nesting: (v) the overwhelming urge and desire to get your home ready for your new baby; involves cleaning and organizing. This is probably my biggest 'symptom' of the third trimester. Between 2 showers, completing registries, 3094854 checklists, assembly, deep cleaning anything that isn't nailed down (when I probably shouldn't be), making meals ahead of baby, and finishing things that have been on my to do list forever - I have been exemplifying nesting. I have to admit I will feel so much better bringing him home to a clean and organized space. Nesting is also part of my personality naturally, so this seemed to come pretty easy to me.

4. Swelling: The cankles are REAL. And awful. Swelling has been mostly in my legs from about week 28 on. But the cankles make me look obese from my knees down. Nothing seems to really reduce them. Eating salt obviously doesn't help, but I crave it often (well salty snacks) that I pair with something sweet. I also drink a lot more water. I also have been putting my feet up much more frequently. Nothing seems to really make a difference. My docs seem to think there are no causes for concern, with my blood pressure remaining normal, so we keep on trucking. Have I mentioned I only have a few pairs of shoes my fat feet fit into? hahaha not going to miss this one bit!

5. Hungry/Thirsty/Peeing all the time: Pretty normal with the third trimester. Lots of water (I love putting Mio in my water), snacking pretty much all day long, smaller meals, and frequent bathroom trips. I am realizing most stalls are not created for wide people.

6. Waddling: Every time I say/hear/think this word, I think of the song 'Wobble' by V.I.C. except 'Waddle baby waddle baby waddle baby waddle!' then I chuckle. The waddling is now paired with slight difficulty in breathing. He has moved all the way up into my ribs and my lungs have a decreased capacity.

7. Braxton Hicks: Braxton hicks are practice contractions for your uterus. For me, they occurred quite frequently this trimester and mostly just made my belly feel like a rock for a little then went away.

8. Lots of baby movement: Little guy has been busy in there! Lots of kicking as he continues to run out of room. His little feet are wedged up in my ribs, and I have been able to feel his feet when he pushes them up too high. That is crazy and so surreal! The good news is he is head down. He moves a lot in the afternoons/evenings and when we talk specifically to him and read him stories.

Not exactly sure how much time we have left! Hopefully I will be blogging soon about bringing baby home and our birth story! <3
